
#25 spaces in file paths cause FAIL


Hi ya.

Nice work. The install is a breeze. The customisation
step was a "mystery" to me though. I would like to
keep my web-site files separate from the binaries. I
hope that will be possible in the future.

I found a bug too with file paths that have space. It
might be a good rule to quote every path and file name,
to save having to check individual httpd.conf entries
and with the other config files.

The specific problem was witht he PHP dll-s Line #764
or there abouts. I have installed FoxServ to path:

D:\Program Files\FoxServ\

The problem is with the php4_module load line. It
should be:

LoadModule php4_module "D:\Program

With quotes for Apache to start-up. As mentioned, my
suggestion is to quote everything, and quote often *grin*.

If you don't mind a second suggestion. I will add a
couple of lines to kill any mysql and apache services
to the START.BAT file for myself. I got caught by a
running Apache service the one time.

While this may happen to only a few people , there is
no "explaination" if a second Apache server fails
because Apache is already one running. A stop command
before kicking-off Apache in the START script will save
that hiccup.

Many thanks,


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