

  • spacefft

    spacefft - 2020-03-02

    Hmmm, can't seem to find this unofficial version. On my system (MX Linux 18) libwxbase3.0-0v5 is installed.

    Any ideas, fix..?

  • David Hart

    David Hart - 2020-03-02


    I make 'unofficial' builds of wxWidgets, mostly to build a different program, the CodeLite IDE. So to answer the "Where is it?" question, see (there's also or one of its links).

    But, as you imply, 4Pane normally uses the distro's wxWidgets packages. A quick look at the MX repo page suggests it tracks debian stable, and so should have an official 4pane package that depends on the official libwxbase3.0 and libwxgtk3.0-gtk3. However I have no MX experience so I may be wrong.

    Where did you get the 4Pane binary that you're trying to run?
    Or are you building from source? If so, any libwx3* install should work (though you'll need the -dev packages too).



  • David Hart

    David Hart - 2020-03-04

    The binary I tried to install that threw the error is the .deb from:
    linked from the page (tried both buster and stretch - both threw the error RE: "libwxbase3.0.0-unofficial")

    I see what you mean about stretch; it's confirmed by dpkg -I.
    I must have had 'alternatives' point to the wrong wxWidgets install when I built the stretch package. The buster and ubuntu packages are OK though.

    Thank you for reporting it. I've added a note about needing the extra repo to the 'Getting 4Pane' page.

    4Pane is working great and I much appreciate your work.

    I'm glad you like it!


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