
Change format of date column.

Curt Dodds
  • Curt Dodds

    Curt Dodds - 2008-12-14

    Each locale is accustom to their own date format.

    Is there a means of changing the format of the date column?

    • David Hart

      David Hart - 2008-12-14

      Hi Curt,

      It's not something that had occurred to me, so I'm afraid there isn't atm. However it was an easy fix to make the date be displayed in the correct way for the user's locale, and I've just committed that change to svn.

      So it will be in the next version of 4Pane. If you can't wait, you can compile from svn (see\)

      Thank you for the suggestion.



      • Curt Dodds

        Curt Dodds - 2008-12-14

        Your response is both surprising and refreshing.
        I really did not expect a response, as the forum seemed inactive.
        Perhaps that is because 4pane is so versatile it already accommodates most users needs.

        I was introduced to 4pane on the Vector linux forums, where this issue came up.
        Great program.
        Thank You for hard work,

    • David Hart

      David Hart - 2008-12-14

      >Perhaps that is because 4pane is so versatile it already accommodates most users needs.

      It would be nice to think so ;)  However I suspect that lack of market share is of greater significance.

      >I was introduced to 4pane on the Vector linux forums, where this issue came up.
      >Great program.

      I'm glad you like it :D



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