
Tree [f8cea9] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 docs 2013-10-15 fosforito fosforito [b4e767] Initial Commit
 gal_admin 2013-11-26 fosforito fosforito [f8cea9] update
 gallery_includes 2013-11-26 fosforito fosforito [f8cea9] update
 install 2013-11-26 fosforito fosforito [ceaf28] issues fixed
 media 2013-10-15 fosforito fosforito [3089a0] Initial Commit
 .htaccess 2013-10-20 fosforito fosforito [f8f104] License changed
 LICENSE.txt 2013-11-04 fosforito fosforito [3f32d6] update
 README.txt 2013-11-26 fosforito fosforito [f8cea9] update
 config_gallery.php 2013-11-26 fosforito fosforito [f8cea9] update
 favicon.ico 2013-10-15 fosforito fosforito [b4e767] Initial Commit
 gal_rss.xml 2013-10-15 fosforito fosforito [b4e767] Initial Commit
 index.php 2013-10-20 fosforito fosforito [f8f104] License changed

Read Me


How to install FosforitoCMS

Step 1: Unzip the file.

After "unzipping" the file you should have the following files as shown below. If you do not have a similar structure as the one below, check to make sure you have your zip program preferences set to allow the creation of directories and to preserve case and long filenames.

Files and Folders included in (home-directory):


Step 2: Upload all files to your webspace. It can be in a subfolder like /fosforitocms/ or in the root directory /.

Step 3: Chmod the following directorys and files with 777:


Step 4: Create a MySQL database. If you do not know how to do this, please contact your web host and they can help you with this.

Step 5: Point your web browser to the /install/ directory. So if your website is and you uploaded the files to the "fosforitocms" directory, then you would type in the address line of your browser.

You will be asked for MySQL database information, admin password and some other details. If you do not know your MySQL database information, please contact your web host and they can tell you this information.

After you have successfully installed FosforitoCMS, be sure to delete the install directory.

Step 6: Access your admin area at by entering the admin password you selected in Step 5. Now you can begin to write posts, edit pages, add users, view your webstats and many more features!

Congratulations, you're done :) For more free PHP scripts, be sure to come back to Fosforito.Net.

To Your Success,
Jens L. Wagner

Any questions or recommendations?
Contact me via Email at:

Useful Information

  - Your main page will be (replace "" with your actual domain name ;o)

  - Your admin area will be at

  - You can edit the theme-templates in the /gallery_includes/themes/##theme##/ folder.

  - Be sure to delete the install directory from your server AFTER you complete your installation!