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Algorithms Circle sort Fixed point arithmetic Inside ANS float Inside FATAN Inside FEXP Inside Zen FSQRT Inside Zen Gamma More Zen Gamma Understand your algorithm
Apple 4tH on OS-X
Community About this Wiki How to participate? It's not easy being a BDFL
Floating Point Inside ANS float Inside FATAN Inside FEXP Inside Zen FSQRT Inside Zen Gamma More Zen Gamma
Forth 16 Blocks 4tH philosophy I need a BREAK? Quotations Short review The Way of Forth This is Forth Understand your algorithm What's in a name? You can't do string handling in Forth!
Internals A database of sorts Basically a touch of Forth FOOS: Under the hood Fixed point arithmetic Inside ANS float Inside FATAN Inside FEXP Inside Zen FSQRT Inside Zen Gamma Let's share a stack together More Zen Gamma Optimization Quotations Short review Temporary strings The 4tH preprocessor The strange strings of uBasic
OS/X 4tH on OS-X
Object Orientation FOOS: Under the hood Object Orientation
Philosophy 16 Blocks 4tH philosophy I need a BREAK? It's not easy being a BDFL Optimization Short review The 4tH preprocessor The Way of Forth This is Forth Understand your algorithm What's in a name? You can't do string handling in Forth!
Preprocessor FOOS: Under the hood The 4tH preprocessor
Programming 16 Blocks A database of sorts COMPARE this! Fixed point arithmetic I need a BREAK? Let's share a stack together Object Orientation Temporary strings The Way of Forth This is Forth Understand your algorithm Using R@ uBasic and Tiny BASIC
Raspberry Pi Compiling on the Raspberry Pi
uBasic Basically a touch of Forth Fixed point arithmetic The strange strings of uBasic uBasic and Tiny BASIC