
About this Wiki

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About this Wiki

If you're new to 4tH, you may get quite frustrated when you try to answer any questions you may have by consulting this Wiki. You probably won't find them here. And there is a good reason for that.

4tH comes with a 600+ page manual, which is divided in 4 parts:
1. Getting started, which is all about installing and getting you up to speed;
2. Primer, the highly acclaimed tutorial on the 4tH language;
3. Reference guide, with lots of reference guides, including a glossary;
4. Development guide, which goes into the 4tH API and lots more.

So, with a that covered, there is no sense in replicating that here. If you're looking for that, just download 4tH. It's part of each and every package - binary or source.

What's this Wiki all about?

We love software technology here. There are so many interesting ways to do things. And consequently, we love writing about 'em. So, pretty quickly this Wiki turned into a place where we talk about the stuff under the hood. The stuff you will probably never see, never worry about and possibly aren't even interested in. However, if you are you'll find it here.

In short, the manual will take care of all the "where", "when" and "how" questions. This Wiki is focussed on the "why". Our design objectives, our technology choices and our philosophy. And we wrote about it because we felt like writing about it.

Caveat lector

Just consider it a series of articles. That's it. There is no guarantee that they are up to date. We try to, but that's just a service to you as a reader, not a (technical) obligation.