
Web Form Flooder / News: Recent posts

formflood beta 0.2.0 released

Web Form Flooder announces a new release that incorporates additional functionality, stability and effectiveness in pounding data into websites. This release focuses on improving the quality of the submitted data so it will pass validation tests that check location data for validity. Both source and binary are available.

Posted by Greg Letiecq 2003-12-21

beta-0.1.5 released

Version 0.1.5 of Web Form Flooder significantly improves the ability of the analyzer to determine the real purpose of web form fields by identifying the user-displayed text appearing to the left or above the field. This greatly reduced the need to provide HANDLE directives in the configuration file and make the application virtually autonomous. Some additional changes have been made to improve code readability, program stability and reliability, and submission effectiveness.... read more

Posted by Greg Letiecq 2003-12-12

Beta Release 0.1.4

This release includes some significant new features regarding user tweaks to the form analysis engine and submitter, and continues to extend support to HTML forms using javascript.

Most significantly, if the form analyzer doesn't know what to do with a form element, you can tell it how to deal with that element through the formflood.cfg file. Default entries are automatically created by the analyzer, and any entries you make override the analyzer, so if you're not happy with it's choices you can force alternative behavior.... read more

Posted by Greg Letiecq 2003-12-08

formflood beta 0.1.3 binary release

Web Form Flooder is a program to pound data into a website automatically and quickly.

We've released an executable version of the beta for non-java-programmer types to beat on and play around with. This should run fine on any platform, but was compiled under windows using Sun Java 1.4.1, so if you're running RedHat and it barfs, let me know and I'll make sure to post some linux compiled stuff as well.... read more

Posted by Greg Letiecq 2003-12-06

Beta Release 0.1.3

Web Form Flooder Beta version 0.1.3 has been released in source code form. It fixes several important bugs and provides new functionality that is aimed at making it easier to configure and run.

We have posted release notes on the project website at to partly make up for our lack of documentation.

Please be aware that we are experiencing continuing difficulties with the CVS system, and that the CVS system files are out of date. When this is resolved, we'll post news on that subject.

Posted by Greg Letiecq 2003-12-05

Beta Release 0.1.2

Project formflood is releasing it's second source code beta, version 0.1.2. This release adds some important functionality and stamps out some annoying bugs.

Formflood can now connect to authenticating websites and handle submission of username and password data. Another important change is that the thread manager can be configured to sleep in between submissions so as to conserve bandwidth on a busy connection. With the addition of the quality improvements, this makes formflood a very useable program.... read more

Posted by Greg Letiecq 2003-12-04

Beta Release 0.1.1

Web Form Flooder Beta 0.1.1 has been released. Web Form Flooder is a console utility that will pound relatively reasonable data into web applications pretty quickly, and will run on any platform. Currently, I have only released a .zip file of the java source code, but in the next few days I should be able to put up binary files. This release appears to have most of the major bugs under control and is actually fairly usable, so it gives you all an opportunity to take a look at it... read more

Posted by Greg Letiecq 2003-12-03

Alpha Release

I finally knocked down enough of the bugs that I won't be utterly horrified if someone else sees this project. Download the source code, compile it, play with it, and let me know how it's working for you. PLEASE use the bug tracking system here on sourceforge for now to report issues.
I can certainly use some help. If you can assiste me in getting CVS up and running on this, it'll help make this a more collaborative project. And once we've got CVS up and running, I'm hoping for additional developers to flesh this out.
Anyways, have fun with this!

Posted by Greg Letiecq 2003-12-01

Project init

I have alpha code in development that I expect to post to CVS in a few days.

Posted by Greg Letiecq 2003-11-20