
#493 Cannot open GIT repository subtree as web content


I would like to change my 'imagingbook' project to use a GIT repository instead of SVN. Currently I use the link
to index into the JavaDoc HTML tree, which is extremely helpful and works nicely, allowing me to keep the documentation inside the same repo as the actual code.To test the same with a GIT repository, I set up a test project 'wilburstestproject' and uploaded the documentation into both 'svn' and 'git' trees. However, when I try to open
only the SVN link works as expected. For the GIT link I get
'Forbidden - You don't have permission to access /p/wilburstestproject/git/doc/index.htmlhttp:// on this server.'

Is there any settings that need to be changed or any way to get this fixed?

Best regards,


  • Zangune

    Zangune - 2016-01-25

    Greetings, this seems a typo to me.
    The git code should be under the git subdomain, so you should use:

    instead of:

    but I want to highlight that I cannot see any web page if I click on the manual corrected link here, but this should be another problem.

  • Wilhelm Burger

    Wilhelm Burger - 2016-01-25

    Oups, what a stupid mistake! But as you said, even the corrected link does not work (HTTP 404 error).
    In the SF ‘Files’ browser the index file is visible here:

    Any idea how to fix this?

    Thanks much,

  • Zangune

    Zangune - 2016-01-25

    I am not sure whether showing html files through the git http page is the correct behaviour or not.
    Can you clone these files by using git without any problem?

    git clone .

    or something like that.

  • Wilhelm Burger

    Wilhelm Burger - 2016-01-26

    Thanks John and Zangune for your assistance!
    My question may have been not clear enough - it is in my opinion not a svn/git issue. The links
    [1] and
    both refer to the same file but the SoruceForge web server delivers them differently:
    For link [1] the content is delivered as an ordinary web page while link [2] lists the HTML source (nicely!).
    I would simply like to have the same bevavior as [1] for HTML files residing in a GIT repository.


  • John Barrett

    John Barrett - 2016-01-26

    I understand the reason and why you reported this but to put it as simply as I know how the option you want simply isn't supported. If you want I can move this support ticket to the feature request area and the more community memembers that vote on this option the higher priortiy the feature request it will get.
    SourceForge Support

  • Wilhelm Burger

    Wilhelm Burger - 2016-01-26

    Hi John,
    thanks much for your understanding. I have relied on this (inofficial?) feature for some time now, not realizing that it was apparently limited to svn-type repos only. I'd certainly wish to see this officially supported (and documented). How long do you think this could take?
    Or is there a better way to host JavaDoc trees in SourceForge? One would assume this is a very common requirement ...

  • John Barrett

    John Barrett - 2016-01-26

    I honestly can't give you an ETA, just because time tables / priorities are really determined by the community at large. I know this isn't a definitive answer but the more people that vote on a feature request the higher the priority a the feature request gets. Another way to think about it is the more common the requirement the higher # of vote's a feature request will get.

    As for a better way to host javaDoc trees in SourceForge it's another tough call for me to answer. Simply because I don't think my opinion is the absolute end all perfect solution that fits everyone's requirements. In my opinion the best aspects about open source collaborations is that the best solution possible that will best fit every contributors is the fact that everyone vote is considered equal so majority = priority.
    SourceForge Support


    Last edit: John Barrett 2016-01-26

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