
Programmer needer C++ Lua

  • Moreno Danen

    Moreno Danen - 2018-09-06

    If anybody knows programming c++ lua and wants to work on a project called MaxControl than comment down below


    You won't get payed for NOW you will be payed when we make money from sales you will get a percentage of all the money here is the reason why we can't pay you daily for now.
    We haven't got a dayjob so we could make the game, some weeks ago our programmer left and so the project is on a hold for now we are looking for programmers that want to help us for fun but will get payed in the end for now we don't care how skilled you are aslong as you program c++ LUA

    Hope we will find someone

    • jab9k3

      jab9k3 - 2018-10-04

      im not a great programmer but am interested and would be happy to help your senior devs, pm if thats cool. Thank you.


  • karen

    karen - 2018-10-11


    I am an experienced c++ developer.

    Would be glad to discuss and take this forward.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Skype: cisin (dot) karen



    Last edit: karen 2018-10-22
  • karen

    karen - 2018-10-11



    Last edit: karen 2018-10-11

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