
Silex needs a good documentation

  • lexoyo

    lexoyo - 2017-03-15

    Silex is a website builder, the only free and open source alternative to Wix and Squarespace and Webflow.

    Silex needs a better documentation to compete with proprietary platforms! Here is the current documentation, what do you suggest to make it better and how can you help?

  • Anamika Sharma

    Anamika Sharma - 2017-03-15


    I am a technical writer based in New Delhi, India.

    I would like to work for the documentation of your website.

    Here are a few suggestions:
    Proper structuring of the document: Table of contents needs to be added specifying the flow of topics in the document. This would also help the readers easily navigate to a desired topic.
    Flow of the document: The document needs to be restructured for better flow. For example, the user might be told about the system requirements, any pre-requisites, configurations to be done before the user actually starts using Silex. Thereafter, a Getting Started section could be added to explain the bare minimum steps that need to be done to get started with Silex.
    More and detailed illustrations with annotations
    Workflow diagrams to depict the workflow for building websites using Silex.
    * FAQs and Troubleshooting section

    There are more changes that can be implemented to enhance the documentation quality. Let me know if you would like me to work on the documentation.


  • lexoyo

    lexoyo - 2017-03-28

    Hi Anamika!

    Yes we are very interested in your skills for Silex docs!

    This is how you can start:
    open an issue here for each change you want discuss or for the questions you have
    make the changes in the wiki, I believe everyone can change it

    Do you find it clear?

  • Dave Platt

    Dave Platt - 2017-04-17


    I'm an American college senior finishing a liberal arts degree with a tech writing focus. I checked out Silex and I found it to be pretty intuitive. I would be willing to create a solid quick start guide for the bounty on I would just need to know what your team expectations are.

  • lexoyo

    lexoyo - 2017-04-18

    Hi Dave
    Sure, this is a good idea!
    Silex has evolved a little bit since jeff's initial "Basic Getting Started tutorial for Silex web builder" so you may need to add a few things...
    Do you plan to learn how to use Silex?

  • Dave Platt

    Dave Platt - 2017-04-18

    Yeah I've started to mess around with the basic design features. It reminds of a stripped down Adobe application. I really like the integration of the HTML/CSS/js editors with the layout tools, and the cloud storage linking options. This will be a great tool for doing alot of the basic layout with the efficiency of WYSISYG editing functions with the code editor right there for deeper customization. I have a couple questions that I would like to email you, or IM you through sourceforge. Which contact method would you prefer?

  • lexoyo

    lexoyo - 2017-04-18

    I really like the integration of the HTML/CSS/js editors with the layout tools, and the cloud storage linking options. This will be a great tool for doing alot of the basic layout with the efficiency of WYSISYG editing functions with the code editor right there for deeper customization.

    you summerized silex perfectly, we should keep this for silex home page :))

    I have a couple questions that I would like to email you, or IM you through sourceforge. Which contact method would you prefer?

    the usual way is on github but here or email is fine too


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