
Logo designer for FOSS project "Mindfulness at the Computer"

  • Tord

    Tord - 2017-10-05

    Hi all,
    i'm looking for a logo designer for the FOSS desktop application project "MIndfulness at the Computer"

    App description:
    Mindfulness at the Computer is a mindfulness and self-care application for people spending many hours in front of the computer. More information on the application website:

    Github project page:

    Who i'm looking for
    I'm hoping to find a volunteer who can design a logo for the application. The project is a free software project and the work will not be paid (no one involved is paid including me who started the project)

    I'm hoping to get a logo that works in different sizes from 16x16 and up to about 256x256, if you can help us create a logo like this please contact me (see email address below). I'm hoping that the logo can be a part of a leaf but am open to other suggestions


    tord (dot) dellsen (at) gmail (dot) com

    Kind Regards,


    Last edit: Tord 2017-12-24
  • CCV

    CCV - 2018-04-21

    Hi Tord,

    Not sure how you connect "mindfulness" to a leaf, or part therof. I tend to assocociate mindfulness with mandala effects, emphasising centredness over the busy-ness about.
    Still, I happen to have on hand a part of a leaf I think might do the job.

    Also, looking at the logo on , I might respectfully suggest something more of a bonsai shape. None of us are free of the effects of the elements and it does take time to mature. Creating bonsais, itself, being an exercise in mindfulness

    Needs some cleaning up and making more graphical for smaller sizes, but a rough Idea of where I might start.
    I work for my own satisfaction; No charge.

    colincv-atgmail-dotcom if you are interested.

  • CCV

    CCV - 2018-04-23

    Part way there, but just an example of what I mean by "more graphical" (for smaller sizes).
    It also occurs to me the posibility of erasing sections around the edges, to give a shape not so square.
    And a 16x16 as a test.


    Last edit: CCV 2018-04-23

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