
#870 Sent emails need improvements


Dear @forge team,

I contact you because sent emails need improvements.

When we subscribe to a project, the email received has:

  • Subject:
    "Subscription Confirmation Required"

  • Message:
    "Please confirm your subscription to newsletters from SourceForge."
    "Thank you for your interest in staying up-to-date on ProjectName We just need you to confirm that you made this request."

It will be nice to add the project name in the subject and the source.
There is a missing dot "." after the ProjectName.
And I think the "We just need you to confirm that you made this request." need to be at the line.

To have:
- Subject:
"Subscription Confirmation Required for ProjectName - SourceForge"

  • Message:
    "Please confirm your subscription to newsletters from SourceForge."
    "Thank you for your interest in staying up-to-date on ProjectName."
    "We just need you to confirm that you made this request."

Note that in this page, there are "Sourceforge" and "SourceForge", what is the good name?

It will be nice to harmonize at all places.

Thanks in advance.


  • SourceForge Support

    Ticket moved from /p/forge/site-support/24925/

    Can't be converted:

    • _page:
    • _related: forge
  • SourceForge Support


    We are constantly working on improvements that will be helpful to most of our customers. staff also pays attention to the voting on Feature Request posts.
    But it is not the only factor considered. If we have a good reason, we may reject a suggestion, even if it has high votes.


    SourceForge Support

  • Neustradamus

    Neustradamus - 2023-11-08

    Dear @sf-support,

    Emails sent have not been changed, the problem of the missing dot (...) is always here.

    Can you look it?

    If I had SF access, I will do changes quickly, it is very easy to solve it.

    Thanks in advance.



  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2023-11-28
    • status: open --> implemented
    • Category: -->
  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2023-11-28

    We have updated the subject & body of project release update emails, per your suggestions. Thanks.

    Sincerely, Support

  • Neustradamus

    Neustradamus - 2023-12-05

    @brondsem: Really better now, thanks a lot!

    Can you look with team about my last part:

    Note that in this page, there are "Sourceforge" and "SourceForge", what is the good name?

    It will be nice to harmonize at all places.


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