
#561 Better mobile device support in SF web pages



I did a search about this, but it didn't turn anything up, although I would be surprised this issue isn't known.

When I look at SourceForge with a browser on a mobile (handheld) device, the pages are very difficult to navigate, being designed for large computer monitors, and they are much much too busy, having been designed in the olden days of the Internet.

This makes you look old-fashioned, at least.

I am making apps for cell phones, and have already posted one. I would like to refer users to SF services, but my users will certainly be using the same handheld devices my apps are meant for. So they will see these pages only with a small screen. It does not help my product. It does not help you.

I assume you are already aware this, and only due to some internal sluggishness you haven't brought your pages up to date. But it's high time -- it's been high time for a long time. So I'm adding my voice to the call.

This is an opportunity for you guys to re-think, simplify, and improve your product for your customers!


  • Adam Weber

    Adam Weber - 2017-04-24

    Ticket moved from /p/forge/site-support/14885/

    Can't be converted:

    • _page:
    • _related:
  • Dude

    Dude - 2017-06-24

    C'mon, sf, you can do it!

  • Peter

    Peter - 2019-10-20

    I find it impossible to reply to discussion posts on the forum using a mobile device, I have to type my post in another text editor then paste it in otherwise it looks like the below.
    It seems to be something to do with predictive text/swiping.
    thisthisthisthis how test shoes up when trying totoypetotoype on mymymymytabletmymymymytablet

    • Dave Brondsema

      Dave Brondsema - 2020-11-02

      The text input boxes used for comments, tickets, etc have been updated and should work better on mobile devices now. However the tool we use for it still has known limitations and bugs on Android, so it's better but not perfect.


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