
Create a New Project

To register a new project:

Creating a new project is easy!

  1. Ensure your project is eligible for hosting on SourceForge. In particular, all projects must be Open Source Software, with a license compliant with the Open Source Definition. Further details can be found in our Terms of Use.
  2. Login with your account, or if you do not have an account, register one here.
  3. Go to the Project Registration page
  4. Type in the new Project Name and "url name" (3-30 characters long, using only letters, numbers, and dashes) -- this name will determine the project's URL and UNIX group in SourceForge services. Take care when selecting your url name, unlike other settings, if you need to rename a url name, you will need to create a support ticket to rename the url name.
  5. Click on any of the services that you would like to be initially enabled. You can add or delete services at any time, as mentioned below. For an overview of our services, see our Documentation Front Page page.
  6. Click the Create Button
    If you are not currently an Admin on a project you will need to complete a phone-based verification:
    Enter your phone number, then click Submit
    Enter PIN number click Submit (Please note that each PIN is Valid for 5 Minutes)

Congratulations! You are the proud owner of a shiny new SourceForge project.

Key points about phone-based verification:

  • Our phone-based verification is performed using a reputable third-party provider (Nexmo).
  • We store a one-way hashed (SHA1) copy of phone numbers in our database, allowing us to identify repeat offenders using multiple accounts.
  • We do not store clear phone numbers in our database — numbers are used for verification only at the time of first project registration.
  • Nexmo maintains transaction logs containing phone numbers, available to us for diagnosis of PIN code delivery problems.
  • Verification PIN codes are transmitted by SMS or voice and are good for five minutes.**

If you have any questions please feel free to contact support:

To configure your project:

When you create a new project, you automatically are given administrator rights for that particular project.

After you create your new project, you will be brought to the project's "Metadata" page. Following are details for what each item is for:

  • Name: This is the publicly viewable name of the project, and will appear on project listings. It should be the full name of your project.
  • Unixname: This cannot be changed without logging a ticket with SourceForge support. Keep in mind that changing this will update the url to access your project which may result in broken links and bookmarks.
  • Home Page: This is a URL to your project's Homepage if you have a website for your project.
  • Video: Use a YouTube URL to show your project in action, or a presentation of it's features.
  • Short Summary: This is a text-only project summary that will be included in search results and project listings. Typically this is one or two sentences describing the project and is text-only.
  • Full Description: This is a longer text-only description. Use this to describe your project in greater depth than just the short summary. This is shown in search results in the expanded detail view.
  • Support Page: Use this to indicate the best way for your users to get help with your software.
  • Twitter Handle: Use this to show a link to your Twitter account.
  • Facebook Page: Use this to show a link to your Facebook page.
  • Project Logo: This is where you can upload the logo for your project. It will be shown on the project home page and in search results. If no icon is uploaded, the default project icon will be used.
  • Project Status: If you later stop development, or move hosting for your project to a different location, you can use this setting to indicate that on your summary page.

To add users to your project:

You must have administrator rights to do this. On the admin screen of your project, click on the User Permissions link. You will see fields to add users to "Admin" and "developer."

By default, admins have complete control over the project including tool configurations; developers have read+write access within all of the tools.

You can add users to either group by typing in their "username", which they select when they register their account. This is a UNIX-compatible unique name that contains no spaces and is used for log in to source code repositories. Any new users will need to register accounts at Before logging on, they will need to click on the link in the validation email they’ll receive after they create their account for their IDs to be registered in the system.

To enable/disable project tools:

You must have administrator rights to do this. On any page of your project, click the "Add New..." link in the project menu bar. Select the tool you wish to add. A dialog will appear with a small form:

  • The Label is what shows in the project's navigation bar, this can be re-configured later if necessary.
  • The Url Path is used to determine the URL of the tool. This cannot be changed after the tool is created. For example, if my project's URL name is uberproject, and I create a new Tickets tool with the Url Path bugs, that new Tickets instance will be installed to

If you decide you no longer need one of the tools available, simply go to the tool and in the left sidebar expand the Admin section. Click Delete and confirm, and then the tool will be permanently removed from your project.

You can install multiple tools of the same type, however, to save space in the navigation bar, they will be collapsed into a single menu item, by default. You may control this by clicking on the lock icon on the right side of the project menu. Then change the Grouping Threshold value, which controls the number of the same tool in the project menu before collapsing the same types into dropdown menus.


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