

There is a newer version of this page. You can find it here.

Backing up Your Data performs routine backups for all of our servers and will restore from these backups in the event of catastrophic server failure (e.g. in the event of equipment failure, datacenter loss, etc.). There is a cost associated with restores from our backup solution. Due to our backup methods, we are unable to do per-project data restores.

We encourage projects to make their own backups, to permit the project to restore data on their own as needed. In each of our service-related site docs we include a reminder to perform backups.

Please note that data that users or administrators "delete" from the site is merely hidden, but retained for perpetuity. It is not necessary to restore this data if flagged as deleted; contact us for assistance.

Data Backup Methods provides easy-to-use facilities to enable projects to backup all of their data.

Data type / Backup method

Bazaar / rsync
CVS / rsync
Forums (built-in) / XML export
Git / rsync
File Release System (FRS) / Download files from the FRS
Hosted Apps / Hosted apps backup facility
Mailing lists / Mailing list archive backups (mbox files)
Mercurial / rsync
News / XML export
Project database / mysqldump or phpMyAdmin
Project web / File management service
Subversion (SVN) / rsync
Tracker / XML export
User home directory (including Developer web) / File management service