
The End is Near!

Yes, we are entering the final phase for the 1.9.0 release. After nearly two years of hard work consisting of more then 1000 commits handling nearly 190 issues the endeavor of cleaning up the internal structures of 4diac-ide are finally paying of. Therefore we started the end-phase for the release. Our currently planed timeline is as follows:

1.9.0 M3:   19. January
1.9.0 RC1:  1.  February
1.9.0 RC2:  12. February
1.9.0 RC3:  21. February
1.9.0:  1.  March

Further information on the 1.9.0 release can be found here. There you will also find an overview on all issues and their current state.

The 4diac Team

Posted by Zoitl Alois 2018-01-17

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