
Foo (Piłkarzyki) / News: Recent posts

Foo [tball] version 1.0 released

Foo is a game two persons can play using pencil and paper. Now you can play it against your computer.
New release delivers first final version. Two previous releases were not good enough regarding response time. Playing machines had sometimes longer "breaks". This was due to complicated situation on the board, and algoritms were not optimized. This shouldn't be a problem now.
Game can be presented as product finalized, although very simple.
Enjoy the game.

Posted by Bartosz Wójcik 2008-04-10

Foo [tball] version 0.2 released

Foo is a game you can play against your computer.
New release delivers changes affecting speed of playing machines. Now you can play agains all available algorithms assuming that your machine is about PC Intel 1.8 GHz.
Any notices are welcome.

Posted by Bartosz Wójcik 2007-12-23

Foo [tball] very 1st version released

Foo is a game you can play against your computer. It is already playable. You can chose one of few available playing algorithms.
You may need a bit patience playing against last 2 algorithms on the list. Engine is still not well tailored to game configurations that offer many possible moves.
Any notices are welcome.

Posted by Bartosz Wójcik 2007-12-08