
New Kernel Project Needs Help

The FOLK project is aiming to produce a patch containing as many Linux Kernel experimental projects, bug-fixes and tweaks as humanly possible.

The idea isn't to worry about quality, bloat, or any other "detail", but rather to give developers one additional way to showcase ideas and give interested users a way to try things out without having to spend a lifetime finding what's out there, another lifetime upgrading the patch to the current kernel and a third lifetime fixing all the rejected diffs.

So what help does the project need? It needs, well, stuff. Patches and kernel projects. The more obscure, arcane and bizare, the better. Those are the ones that generally prove interesting. But any kernel project that's going to be a bug-bear to get running alongside other projects is fair-game. (Unfortunately, I've come to realise that that's most of them.)

Lastly, this project is not intended to be "useful". If the patches used were all "useful", they'd be in the main tree by now, or Alan Cox' branch. This is much closer to the "silly putty" end of things.

Posted by Jonathan Day 2012-09-14

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