


Folder Size for Windows adds a new column to the Windows Explorer details view that displays the sizes of files and folders. A service scans your hard disk in the background and caches the results. Designed for performance!

Screenshot thumbnail
See the Folder Size column in Windows Explorer.

Project Members:


  • forumarbeit

    forumarbeit - 2017-11-11

    Last edit: forumarbeit 2017-11-11
  • Scott Lindley

    Scott Lindley - 2019-10-26

    How do I get FolderSize on Windows 10 to default to starting with the "show folder size popups" option disabled?

  • Steve Sybesma

    Steve Sybesma - 2022-06-12

    This seems to work acceptably on Windows 10.
    I saw questions about Folder Size not being in Control Panel and it wasn't for me at first, but you have to exit and go back into the CP and it shows up. The CP applet lets you change to display in GB if you want, though a MB option would be even nicer.
    The "Show Folder Size popups" option is on the tray icon.


    Last edit: Steve Sybesma 2022-06-12

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