
#26 Localization and flexible setting if possible.


1.Request to have a localization file so we can change this english version to other languages.
It's kinda weird to seeing an only english text colunmn in Non-English windows.

2.a Mix of display in KB/GB instead of only KB or KB.
Folder would display in GB and files would display in KB.
Fits well for people who's used to seeing files in KB.

Thank you for such friendly software, Thank you again!


  • NiGHTsC

    NiGHTsC - 2008-06-12
    • priority: 5 --> 6
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Please, give localization a higher priority.
    Thank you for this very nice software!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    A localization file like a "default.lng" should be very good. Than we can post the translation so anyone could use it.
    Regarding GB/MB/KB this it is already solved - see the FolderSize from Control Panel (ok, it is just an icon but Mr. Oraas promised a new nice icon for the resurected version)
    Very good job Mr. Oraas! Keep it going, please!

  • Brio

    Brio - 2009-11-22

    Folder Size is already translated into about 10 languages! The UI text is all stored in the program files' resources, which is a standard Windows file format. It can be edited with standard resource editing tools.
    The resource files are also checked into the CVS repository for this project. Your translations should ideally be available there. Please send me an email and I will help you get your translation into the program.


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