
explorer process remains: cannot eject disks

  • d3v

    d3v - 2009-06-12

    Hi there.
    I'd first like to say that you've created an invaluable app that I have used continually for a long while.
    I use Folder Size as part of my default Explorer column set up under Details view [Name; Folder Size; Type; Date Created; Date Modified; Date Accessed] and is present in all folders; the only change in those being that some are set with different view groupings.
    If I mount any external drive and view that drive in Explorer and then close that drive's individual Explorer view, the drive won't eject when I right-click it under My Computer and select that option from the context menu. It gives the usual 'drive is in use' type error.
    If, however, I select the "Unlocker" option [] from the same context menu on my set up, I find that the only process locking the drive is Folder Size. If I terminate this (which appears to not actually terminate the Folder Size Service completely, as it still runs happily in other folders) I can then eject the drive without issue.
    Just thought I'd let you know of this irritation as, if I wasn't using an app like Unlocker, this would be causing more trouble, as I'm sure it could for others.
    Besides this, keep up the good work. It's appreciated.

    FYI: Win XP Pro x86 w/SP3 + all updates to date [apart from things like Windows Search 4.0, Live Update, SilverLight x and anything else that MS invents to break your computer in Vista styled co-dependency ways]

  • Synetech

    Synetech - 2012-02-08

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