
optional network drive support

  • Wei-Yin Chen

    Wei-Yin Chen - 2006-05-04

    The network drive support is great, and it runs efficiently when the server is windows.
    However, due to some possible symbolic links in samba drives under linux, there might be infinite loops in the folder, and this can be harmful to the performance if the linux server is under heavy loading.
    Is it possible to make a option in the control panel and let the users decide whether they want to enable this option?
    If this can be make a per site option, it will be great.

    • sisto

      sisto - 2007-08-08

      Lately I've been having similar problems with my linux shares.
      If I map a samba share to a windows drive, FolderSize will constantly eat more and more RAM until it runs out.
      It would be really nice to have an option to disable FolderSize service for a single drive so this wouldn't happen.

    • Wei-Yin Chen

      Wei-Yin Chen - 2007-09-17

      I finally (like more than 1 year) wrote a patch for this.
      If anyone want the binary, just write me.


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