
#21 Conflict with Maxthon Web Browser


Hi, just reporting a conflict which i've noticed in one of PC.
PC config : Win XP prof, 512 MB RAM, 80 GB HDD (3 partition).
In this PC, usually i open/use following software windows, sequentially in this order : 1 Outpost Firewall, 1 F-Secure Anti-Vir, 1 Process Explorer (Mark Russinovich), 2 Win Explorer(s), 1 Mozilla Firefox web-browser, 1 Maxthon web-browser, 1 p2p soft.
In each browser usually i have 50 tab windows for 100 web pages (approximately).
After i've installed this "FolderSize for Windows v2.3", when i open Maxthon web browser after Firefox, i alaways find the cpu resource usage jumps/goes high. CPU resource usage by the parent "Explorer" shell and "FolderSizeSvc" starts to jump high and low for a fraction of a second, or 1 second, alternately one after another, then, resource usage goes back to normal, then again it jumps up as before, and this activity keeps on repeating, like sawtooth/wave pattern. If i close Maxthon, and then after some time, it come backs to normal, steady CPU usage.
May be, (i don't know for sure, that,) Maxthon creates many temp folder(s), which this service tries to keep tracks of, and ends up using heavy cpu resource.
Hoping that, someone can figure out what actually is going on.
Its an essential and very very helpful tool,
thanks. ~ tareek. 01-31-2007.


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