
proxy hunting spiders

  • Christopher Gragsone

    This was an idea brought up by delta-sys, basically it's a webspider that searches for proxies that attempt to subvert censorware and then updates it's censorware to block that site.

    any ideas for counter measures?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2001-03-05

      ok crappy ideas, but it nothing else works.

      * Hosting by big websites, IE, yahoo.
      * On the fly paths/subdomains for the proxy

      Both of theise are easy to stop, I think the goal has to be making the cost (in usefulness and time) not worth it.

      M. Gates

    • Christopher Gragsone

      First question is how would a spider like this operate?

      would it be searching for any cgi proxy, or just foih?

      In order to investigate ideas which can counter FOIH & friends... I've opened up a subproject called anti-foih, these are tasks related to the study of anti-anti-censorship utilities.

      I just hope in the process we dont build a better censorship filter, ofcoarse this is where full-disclosure gets scary, although we can still reap benifits from it.

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2001-03-09

        eh, either, it dosn't really matter, it might search for a page that fill certain charictoristics, it might test out the forms and compare the result to what it thinks the page should be.


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