
FofZ / News: Recent posts

FofZ CVS not updated yet

Just to let you know that the changes to FofZ for the release are not in CVS yet as I'm having trouble making CVS playball. The source download and the webstart on have been updated though.

Posted by nielsw 2006-05-12


A quick bug fix release that solves a problem with NumberFormatException being thrown when FofZ was used with a non-US locale.

Posted by nielsw 2006-05-12

Initial Release - FofZ 0.7

This is the first release of FofZ, the complex function visualiser. You can download the source from sourceforge or fire it up using Java Webstart link found at

FofZ allows you to visualise conformal mappings of the complex plane. Current visualisations include the complex plane, the Riemann sphere, argument and modules views, and XYU and XYV views. All the 3D views are easily manipulated using the mouse. Animation is also possible by successive increments of a variable in the user defined function. Possible functions are any combination, including composition, of polynomials, trig, hyperbolic trig and exponential functions.... read more

Posted by nielsw 2005-11-15