
Tree [a33271] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 include 2013-09-18 tim tim [a33271] default contructor, move constructor and move =...
 samples 2013-09-15 tim tim [fc2145] changed some comments in the lambda 'sample' fo...
 CMakeLists.txt 2013-09-15 tim tim [5040be] Important Global Update.
 LICENSE.txt 2012-08-30 Timothee Feuillet Timothee Feuillet [faae5d] Added gpl v2 headers to the files and a LICENSE...
 README.txt 2013-09-15 tim tim [5040be] Important Global Update.

Read Me

fncw is a generic function wrapper for C++11.
It support all types of member, lambda and C like functions.
unlike std::function, fncw::function is not a template. This mean that you could
wrap any function with any signature inside only one type/object: fncw::function.
Despite this genericity, fncw::function allow the user to reorder the parameter
order (a bit like std::bind), check the function signature (there is also a
partial check that aim to check only a few parameters).

fncw::function offer the ability to change the parameters value and get the
return value of the call.


FNCW it's "just" two headers: include/fncw.hpp and include/function.hpp.
To use fncw in your project, simply copy the include folder and do:

#include <fncw.hpp>

All the fncw stuff is in the namespace fncw
NOTE: the use of "using namespace fncw;" is (absolutly) NOT recommended !!!
      (It could cause name conflict if you use other libs.
       Moreover, doing this cancel the most important specificity of namespaces:
       to structure the code and avoid name conflicts.)


NOTE: the project has currently been tested on a 64bit linux using
      g++ 4.7.1/4.7.2 and g++ 4.8