

Bogdan Drozdowski


Local (per user) installation

To install FMSec for all supported desktop environments at once:

  1. unpack the archive
  2. change into the unpacked directory: cd fmsec-X.Y,
  3. run ./ or make install-all

To install FMSec for a chosen desktop environment:

  1. unpack the archive
  2. change into the unpacked directory: cd fmsec-X.Y,
  3. change into the directory of the environment (e.g. cd KDE5),
  4. run ./

You can also run the chosen commands from the list:

  • make install-KDE3
  • make install-KDE4
  • make install-KDE5
  • make install-Xfce

Global (system-wide) installation

To install globally (KDE5 and Xfce only), run one of:
- make install-global-KDE5 (for KDE5)
- make install-global-Xfce (for Xfce)
- make install-global (for all supported environments)

The default prefix for global installation is /usr. To change it, run the respective make command with the PREFIX parameter, giving the new value, e.g.

make install-global PREFIX=/usr/local

You need access privileges to install globally.


Local (per user) uninstallation

To uninstall, if needed:

  1. unpack the archive
  2. change into the unpacked directory: cd fmsec-X.Y,
  3. change into the directory of the environment (e.g. cd KDE5),
  4. run ./

You can also run the chosen commands from the list:

  • make uninstall-KDE3
  • make uninstall-KDE4
  • make uninstall-KDE5
  • make uninstall-Xfce

You can also uninstall FMSec for all supported desktop environments at once by running ./ or make uninstall-all.

Global (system-wide) uninstallation

To uninstall globally, if needed, run one of:

  • make uninstall-global-KDE5 (for KDE5)
  • make uninstall-global-Xfce (for Xfce)
  • make uninstall-global (for all supported environments)

The default prefix for global uninstallation is /usr. To change it, run the respective make command with the PREFIX parameter, giving the new value, e.g.

make install-global PREFIX=/usr/local

You need access privileges to uninstall globally.


Wiki: Home
Wiki: Usage