
FastMessaging P2P / News: Recent posts

Critical Bug in Node.sendToConnection

The method Node.sendToConnection contains a bug that corrupts data send which exceeds the MTU being enforced at the FMP2P layer. A fix exists and a fixed version will be bundled and released as soon.

This affects at least version FmP2P-0.8.0.

We apologize for an error like this slipping through!

Posted by basking2 2007-04-02

SSL Prerelease

Development on FMP2P is done in fits and spurts, but at long last we have slipped in basic SSL capabilities! This is extremely exciting as now FMP2P can be deployed in more hostile networks (read "every network") and protect the data in transit.

There is still no authentication but if you trust your IP address as authentication enough then you can be pretty sure your data is moving safely around your network.... read more

Posted by basking2 2006-10-12

Back to Design

TCUP Calls suffer from a "classic" double copy problem when sending data through a call. Data submitted by the user for sending is copied into a single network message to guaranteen atomicity in sending.

Right now some solutios are being toyed with, but the most appealing at this stage is rearchitecting how TCUP handles events with several work queues instead of the thread-per-connection model. The basic questions remain: 1) How do we split up work? 2) When is making or destroying a thread a good idea? 3) Our work queues have notions of priority. How much of that do we expose/hide to the client application?... read more

Posted by basking2 2006-04-08