
FMenu / News: Recent posts

FMenu 3.1 released

FMenu 3.1 is out and features Snow Leopard support and a fully 64-bit binary. Note that there are now separate downloads for users of 10.4 only and everyone else. Other changes include:

# Better connection handling and stability on 10.5 and above
# Cleanup of menu items and actions to reflect current Facebook site design
# Resolves crashes on startup
# Note that alerts for "New photo comments" are no longer available as Facebook has stopped providing this functionality ... read more

Posted by Paul Borokhov 2010-01-18

FMenu + Growl combined download now available

For those who do not yet have Growl installed on their system, there is now a package available that will download both FMenu and Growl to your computer and prompt you to install Growl when you first start up FMenu.

This should hopefully provide added convenience for those users who do not yet have Growl installed and make FMenu available to a wider audience.

The combined download can be found at read more

Posted by Paul Borokhov 2007-07-07

FMenu 2.5 released

FMenu 2.5 is out and contains both stability fixes and a slew of new features. Namely,

* Infinite sessions support thanks to work by Josh Wiseman at Facebook
* Better error handling
* Correctly parse number of Shares in inbox
* Better notification strings handling
* Enable customization of status phrase displayed for status notifications
* Upcoming events and groups can now be added to Quicklaunch
* Text box inside the Quicklaunch panel now always gains focus whenever the panel itself gains focus
* Messages, friends, and marketplace submenus
* Updates to menu items to reflect site redesign
* General code cleanup
* More crash-prone data retrieval procedure
* Preferences saved earlier so that data is saved in case of crashes ... read more

Posted by Paul Borokhov 2007-07-05

FMenu 2.1 released

FMenu 2.1 is out and is an important update that addresses perfomance and memory issues. Namely, this release has the following changes:
* Huge memory leak (finally) fixed
* Better storage of user data should reduce repeated friend notifications
* Eliminate duplicate message, shares, and pokes notifications

Get a copy right away at

Posted by Paul Borokhov 2007-04-01

FMenu 2.0 released

FMenu 2.0 is out and brings mostly performance improvements as well as a number of new features.
Specific changes include:

* Upgraded to Facebook API v.1. Consequently some menu items have disappeared, but all the submenus are back and there is now a Shares counter as well
* All counters can be put in the menubar, including shares, photo comments, and wall posts
* "f" icon can now be hidden (note that this can be dangerous, since it can make the menu nearly inaccessible)
* Interface should be more responsive as updates are performed in separate threads
* Repeated friend notifications should hopefully be eliminated
* Errors should be handled more gracefully
* Rudimentary update checking will notify you through Growl when a new version is released
* Quicklaunch now properly loses focus after return is pressed
* New messages, pokes, and shares are detected even if the number of unreads remains unchanged ... read more

Posted by Paul Borokhov 2007-02-26

FMenu 1.7 released

FMenu 1.7 was released yesterday. Thanks to featuring FMenu, I got a lot more users...and lot more testers. This latest version brings no new features, but disables a number of submenu items that did not (and currently cannot) work correctly. The Groups submenu, as well as the "Notes about me" and "Photos of me" items went to my (that is, the developer's) pages, instead of the currently logged in user's.

Posted by Paul Borokhov 2007-02-13

FMenu 1.6 released

This is bug fix release that fixes an issue with friend profile updates (which were never being performed). Namely:

* Friend updates (notes, profile, and status) are now actually functional (they were accidentally broken in the 1.5 release)
* Logging preferences are now available
* Blank status updates are fixed for real this time

Get the new version now at!... read more

Posted by Paul Borokhov 2007-02-11

FMenu 1.5 released

FMenu 1.5 has been released and is available for immediate download. Changes include:

* Instantly update menu bar counter when preferences are changed
* Names in the Quicklaunch box are now alphabetized and fill in immediately after login
* Better handling of bad internet connections
* (Hopefully) Elimination of "blank" (i.e. no-name and no-text) status update notifications
* "Growl preferences..." button now correctly detects presence of Growl prefpane
* Keyboard shortcuts added to common destinations (however, currently only work if some element (i.e. Quicklaunch) of the program is active)
* The Photos, Shares, Groups, and Notes menu items now have submenus (which can be turned off)
* Full update no longer performed upon Pref window close (as it's no longer necessary) ... read more

Posted by Paul Borokhov 2007-02-05

FMenu registered at SourceForge

Th FMenu project has successfully been registered on SourceForge. Eventually, everything will be hosted here. For the time being, I have put the latest file release online and will be putting all future releases here.
Feedback is always welcome!

Posted by Paul Borokhov 2007-02-03