
For developers


This page is for developers and have information about files, database and software used to develop the application.

The most important documentation is the code itself. You can find the files here. The code is commented in English.

This application has been programmed in Java. The IDE Eclipse ( has been used. The game development framework libGDX has also been used. It will be difficult to add or change code whitout these tools.

A internal SQLite database is used to store the higscores.

The code is commented in English.


  1. In some cases buttons from other screens reacts to push on a screen. If you hit the "Start" button so you go to instructions(the first time you start the app), the go back and to the aboutscreen, the start button in instructionsscreen will react to it and start the gamerender. This happends several places.
  2. The main menu are not centered on all devices.

Future Requests

  1. The wasps will follow a fly when it comes near to it.
  2. The amount of flies and wasps coming into the screen should increase.
  3. The flies should scale depending on the device screensize.
  4. Online highscore database.
  5. medals and achievements as the score increases.
  6. The wasp and fly should be pointing the way they "walk".
  7. The score should be viewed in the dialogbox that takes names after end game.
  8. the drag-method on flies should be faster and better.