
Tree [636a4d] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 .gitignore 2014-01-04 Arne Müller Arne Müller [636a4d] gitignore file
 README 2014-01-04 Arne Müller Arne Müller [f89654] Initial commit
 computeModules.m 2014-01-04 Arne Müller Arne Müller [f89654] Initial commit
 computeModulesOpt.m 2014-01-04 Arne Müller Arne Müller [f89654] Initial commit
 drawModule.m 2014-01-04 Arne Müller Arne Müller [f89654] Initial commit
 findCircuitBase.m 2014-01-04 Arne Müller Arne Müller [f89654] Initial commit
 findConnectedComponents.m 2014-01-04 Arne Müller Arne Müller [f89654] Initial commit
 gpl-3.0.txt 2014-01-04 Arne Müller Arne Müller [f89654] Initial commit
 interestingModules.m 2014-01-04 Arne Müller Arne Müller [f89654] Initial commit
 makeSummary.m 2014-01-04 Arne Müller Arne Müller [f89654] Initial commit
 visualizeModsSingle.m 2014-01-04 Arne Müller Arne Müller [f89654] Initial commit

Read Me

= README: Fast Flux Module Computation =

The supplied code works with matlab in combination with the cobra toolbox. If you can get the cobra toolbox also to run with octave, the supllied code will also likely work with octave.

It follows a short overview of the supplied functions:

== Module Computation ==
* computeModulesOpt.m				-	 computes the modules for the optimal flux space (w.r.t to the objective function of the model)
* computeModule.m						-	 compute the modules for the full flux space (used by computeModulesOpt)
* findCircuitBase.m					-  compute the fundamental circuits (you'll probably not use this directly)
* findConnectedComponents.m -  computes connected components of a bipartite graph (you'll probably not use this directly)

== Module Vizualization ==
* drawModule.m							- draws a single module
* visualizeModsSingle.m			- draws the interactions between modules

== General Summary Generation ==
For reproducability we also supply the matlab code that we used to generate the results in the supplementary material. 
It is not really intended for other uses.
* makeSummary.m							- runs all the afore mentioned methods and creates a latex file with summaryinformation

= Copyright =

Copyright (C) 2013  Arne Müller <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.