
#260 Support a flat ClientMenu (merge all clients into one list or at least iconified ones)


In the Workspace Menu: please add an "All" field. At present, you can select from a "Workspace" or from "Icons". It would be nice to have an "All" menu. Also a key bind that could access the "All" menu directly.

Added bonus; by combing the two features; it be two steps to do an an alt-tab functionality. Hit keybind for the "All" menu; then tab/arrow through the list to get to application in question.


  • Trogdor TheBurninator

    I believe that this feature is part of "ClientMenu". However there is no way to see which applications are iconified. It would be nice to have some sort of indicator stating that the app is inconified. On a side note; it would also be nice if the "ClientMenu" would stay open so that multiple applications can be selected or having a entry into "init" for having that window open until the "HideMenus" action is activated.

  • Thomas Luebking

    Thomas Luebking - 2016-07-19
    • summary: Workspace Menu --> Support a flat ClientMenu (merge all clients into one list or at least iconified ones)
    • Group: --> future

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