
#1191 Menu title `OnToolbar Mouse2` behaves erratically

future release

In Arch my Fluxbox has been updated to 1.3.7+205+g1d19662c-1 and some glitches have started to happen in an otherwise most dependable and elegant window manager. My current work related menu's titlebar OnToolbar Mouse2 randomly gets transparency. Not sure if it's the updated fluxbox's issue, but xterm can't be maximised fully, it gets to "-geometry 78x59+0-16" according to xwininfo whereas it should be 60, not 59.


Bugs: #1191


  • burak

    burak - 2021-09-28

    My other menus' titles have the same glitch as well.

    Another inconvenience which is really frustrating is caused by the new mode of opening the menu(s) below the toolbar. instead of on the toolbar. Not all menus automatically disappears in Fluxbox when we click on an item, but this wasn't an issue previously, I could right-click on the menu's titlebar sitting the toolbar. Now since that menu's titlebar are not on top but below the toolbar, I get rid of it by left-clicking on the toolbar and by doing this I'm forced to un-minimise another file whose icon happens to be the place I left-click on. Now I understand that I can right-click on the menus' titlebar again, this time below the toolbar, but… Why all this unneccessary things really. Fluxbox has been more solid than a rock and beautiful. It was perfect. Please don't touch it.


    Last edit: burak 2021-09-29
  • Chris Chambers

    Chris Chambers - 2021-11-13

    Thanks. I have similar problem with 1.3.7 and have reverted to Fluxbox 1.3.6 in Arch. I have been using wonderful Fluxbox since GTK 1.2 days.

  • burak

    burak - 2021-11-13

    So have I and now Fluxbox is the only IgnorePkg in my pacman.conf.

    • Chris Chambers

      Chris Chambers - 2021-11-14

      Same here, in my IgnorePkg list also. I have been checking Arch re
      Fluxbox including 1.3.7 and see that it possible to put in a bug
      report but that none entered. You reckon that worthwhile?

      On 13/11/2021, burak wrote:

      So have I and now Fluxbox is the only IgnorePkg in my pacman.conf.

      [bugs:#1191] Menu title OnToolbar Mouse2 behaves erratically

      Status: open
      Group: future release
      Created: Tue Sep 28, 2021 06:09 PM UTC by burak
      Last Updated: Sat Nov 13, 2021 11:06 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      In Arch my Fluxbox has been updated to 1.3.7+205+g1d19662c-1 and some
      glitches have started to happen in an otherwise most dependable and elegant
      window manager. My current work related menu's titlebar OnToolbar Mouse2
      randomly gets transparency. Not sure if it's the updated fluxbox's issue,
      but xterm can't be maximised fully, it gets to "-geometry 78x59+0-16"
      according to xwininfo whereas it should be 60, not 59.

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      Bugs: #1191

      • burak

        burak - 2021-11-14

        I don't know; wouldn't hurt; yet again Fluxbox is almost perfect and doesn't seem to be actively maintained, possibly as it's already perfect! So ignoring updates has seemed enough for me.

  • crpb

    crpb - 2021-11-14

    Did you mean something like that in the Picture?
    I just dragged it around a couple of times with Mouse2..

    How lucky i am that don't use tabs anymore since.. 2003?.. ;-P

    But i can't reproduce the xterm-problem...
    Did your Log say anything useful?

  • burak

    burak - 2021-11-14

    No, I guess you're talking about the little glitch happening in some window resizing or tabbing behaviour which has been there for some time.

    Each of my custom menus appears as drop-down lists on the toolbar by middle-clicking (mouse-2), scrolling-down (mouse5) or scrolling-up (mouse-4) on it. When this happens the titlebar of the menus appears on the toolbar, which had got random transparency with the update and started to appear just under the toolbar, not on it so I hadn't been able to easily dismiss the menus by just right-clicking on the menu's titlebar.

    xterm issue has dissappeared as well by reverting back to 1.3.6 and all this has been some time ago.


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