
#1112 Fluxbox focussing sticky windows too often

future release

When using sticky windows, they get preferential focus treatment when changing workspaces even if they do not belong on the head where the cursor currently is.

A scenario:
0. two heads, x (>=2) workspaces, one sticky window on the right head, there are windows on each other workspace on the left head (all maximised for simplicity)
1. on workspace 2, I focus the window on the left head
2. I switch to workspace 1, focus the sticky window, then focus windows on the left head
3. with cursor and focus on the left head, I switch to workspace 2

At this point I would like any of these to get focus (they make sense one way or another):
- the window my cursor is pointing at after I switch the workspace (applying sloppy focus)
- the last one focussed when I was on that workspace (remembers what I did)
- one that is on the same head my cursor is at (or the focussed window was before I switched the workspace) - keeps the notion of active head

Instead, the sticky window on the right head gets focussed, which is not the one I'm looking at.

Some information requested from ak|ra on the IRC channel:
- fluxbox -version returns "Fluxbox 1.3.5 : (c) 2001-2011 Fluxbox Team", this is Debian Jessie
- "fluxbox -info | grep XIN" returns XINERAMA
- this is two monitors set up with "xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --output DVI-0 --auto --primary --left-of HDMI-0"


  • Mathias Gumz

    Mathias Gumz - 2014-10-29

    just to repeat what we discussed in irc:

    FocusControl::lastFocusedWindow() is used to select the new window, see

    a sticky window was propably focussed on the other workspace before and thus the chance of it being selected is pretty high.

  • Mathias Gumz

    Mathias Gumz - 2015-01-21
    • Group: v1.3.5 --> future release

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