
Code Merge Request #3: add OpenSLES audio driver for Android support (rejected)



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Atsushi Eno wants to merge 1 commit from /u/atsushieno2/fluidsynth/ to master, 2017-08-04

This change adds supprot for Android OpenSLES driver.

Android fluidsynth build is somewhat tricky, especially fluidsynth requires glib-2.0, so I created a builder repo that makes use of cerbero build system (which is used by gstreamer project).

(There is no JNI suppot. I use it just with Android NDK + Xamarin.Android which doesn't require any additional C/C++ component.)

Commit Date  
[a665cc] (opensles) by Atsushi Eno Atsushi Eno

Add OpenSLES audio driver for Android support.

2016-02-20 09:38:17 Tree


  • Tom M.

    Tom M. - 2017-08-04

    Nice work. However your github fork seems to be more up to date. Since we also moved to github, feel free to submit another PR there.

  • Tom M.

    Tom M. - 2017-08-04
    • Status: open --> rejected

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