
Tree [bebbe9] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 backend 2013-07-11 sticklyman sticklyman [bebbe9] +Added tooltips to the icon buttons.
 frontend 2013-07-11 sticklyman sticklyman [bebbe9] +Added tooltips to the icon buttons.
 CHANGELOG 2013-07-11 sticklyman sticklyman [bebbe9] +Added tooltips to the icon buttons.
 LICENSE 2013-06-18 sticklyman sticklyman [b2d82a] +Ability to specify multiple email addresses fo...
 README 2013-06-19 sticklyman sticklyman [1ed243] =Fixed a broken reference to jquery.min.js.

Read Me

FlowDoh, a plugin for NfSen

Installation instructions:

1) Copy the contents of the 'backend' folder to NfSen's backend plugins folder. (Usually /usr/local/nfsen/plugins/)

2) Copy the contents of the 'frontend' folder to NfSen's frontend plugins folder. (Usually /var/www/nfsen/plugins/)

3) Copy or rename <backend-plugins>/flowdoh/flowdoh.conf.defaults to flowdoh.conf.
   Edit the configuration file as you see fit.

4) Edit the nfsen.conf file to add flowdoh to the plugin list:
   Usually /usr/local/nfsen/etc/nfsen.conf

   It should end up looking something like this:
   @plugins = (
        # profile # module
        [ '*', 'demoplugin' ],
        [ '*', 'flowdoh' ],

5) Ensure that NfSen has write access to the alerts folder: <backend-plugins>/flowdoh/alerts/

6) Ensure that the correct timezone is set in your php.ini file.

7) Reload NfSen.

8) Go to your NfSen website and browse to flowdoh on the plugins tab, and enjoy!

Upgrading FlowDoh from an older version:

1) Delete the <frontend-plugins>/flowdoh/ folder and all of its contents. (Usually /var/www/nfsen/plugins/flowdoh)

3) Copy the contents of the new 'backend' folder to NfSen's backend plugins folder. (Usually /usr/local/nfsen/plugins/)

4) Copy the contents of the new 'frontend' folder to NfSen's frontend plugins folder.

3) Compare your existing <backend-plugins>/flowdoh/flowdoh.conf file with the new flowdoh.conf.defaults file.
   Check the changelog to see config changes that can be added to your existing flowdoh.conf file.

4) Reload NfSen.