
Tree [r4] /

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File Date Author Commit
 src 2009-03-02 Jiddoo [r4] ModelParser added and removed dirent.h from the...
 GPL.txt 2008-11-04 Jiddoo [r3] GPL and Instructions added.
 README.txt 2008-11-04 Jiddoo [r3] GPL and Instructions added.

Read Me

This source code is released under the terms of the
(see GPL.txt)

If you use this code, please cite the following paper:

                  author = {Martin Eisemann and Bert De Decker and Marcus Magnor and Philippe Bekaert and Edilson de Aguiar and Naveed Ahmed and Christian Theobalt and Anita Sellent},
                  title = {{Floating Textures}},
                  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics EG'08)},
		  volume = {27},
		  number = {2},
                  year = {2008},
                  month = {4},
                  pages = {409--418},
                  address = {Hersonissos, Crete, Greece}

and let the authors know.

// Requirements //

You need the following programs installed on your computer:

CMake 2.4.0 or higher
GNU g++ Compiler

Your graphic card has to support OpenGL 2.0, GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT
It should be at least a GeForce 8800GTX otherwise frame rates will drop


// Using the code //

The starting point for the Floating Textures renderer is the function

void draw(Drawer *d, GLuint outputFBO = 0);

of the RendererFT (short form for Renderer Floating Textures).

Please note that this is the basic implementation of the offline programm,
which means the geometry is already reconstructed (and saved in Mesh for

The current code assumes eight input cameras.
If you want to load your own scenes please write a loader class derived
from the class "Loader" (Loader.h and Loader.cpp, as an example have a look
at LoaderTest.h and Loader.cpp). 
Sorry there is no more convenient loader at the moment.

The complete Floating Textures rendering process is done in the class
If you only want to use the optical flow implementation you only need the
class OpticalFlow, the shaders and of course the classes included by 

I hope the code proves useful to you.



Please note that this is research code. I am aware that there are still some
design issues which could be improved in the future.
If you have any suggestions or corrections, please feel free to write me
on the sourceforge page at
