
FGData Merge Request #241: VR desktop mirror compositor and settings (merged)



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James Hogan wants to merge 2 commits from /u/amalon/fgdata/ to next, 2021-09-12

These patches add:
- a compositor configuration for a VR desktop mirror (for showing a copy of the rendered VR frame on the desktop window, which is much faster than rendering separately for the desktop). This uses a new "vr-mirror" compositor pass type.
- defaults for mirror control properties
- new options to the vr-options dialog to enable/disable mirror and control which views are shown (blank screen, left eye, right eye, left & right eyes horizontally tiled). Changing these options triggers a compositor reload so that the compositor can be dynamically chosen depending on the mirror properties.

It will have a corresponding MR in flightgear repo to implement the "vr-mirror" compositor pass type.


Commit Date  
[ab3718] (osgxr_cleanvr_2vr_2_b) by James Hogan James Hogan

gui/dialogs/vr-options: Add mirror options

Add options to the vr-options dialog to allow the mirror to be toggled,
and the mirror mode to be changed (which reloads the compositor if

2021-08-23 10:50:09 Tree
[3aa869] by James Hogan James Hogan

defaults: Add VR mirror properties

Add important VR mirror properties to defaults.xml so that they
initialise early and so that they are automatically saved.

2021-08-23 10:42:08 Tree


  • James Hogan

    James Hogan - 2021-09-04

    Corresponds to flightgear MR 260

  • James Hogan

    James Hogan - 2021-09-12

    Updated to drop the vr-mirror compositor configuration, since it is now done in CameraGroup C++ code

  • Fernando García Liñán

    • Status: open --> merged

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