
#2635 Windowed mode / fullscreen mode switching

fullscreen (1)

On Windows, when you start FlightGear in fullscreen mode, and then set it as un-fullscreen, then the window will not have the standard controls (minimize, maximize, close). I hope this makes sense.

When you start in windowed mode, and then fullscreen and un-fullscreen, it works just fine. I wonder if its possible to have the ability to switch from fullscreen mode to windowed mode, when you start FlightGear in fullscreen mode?


  • James Turner

    James Turner - 2021-08-18

    Oooh, that might be a simple fix but in OSG : we could of course patch our binary build.

    The issue is which window decoration type we request when creating the window intially: I suspect if we have requested an initialyl full-screen window, something special happens.

  • eatdirt

    eatdirt - 2023-01-22

    My contribution :)

    On Linux, when you are closing FG in full-screen mode, the next session does not start in full screen mode but in a windowed mode having the size of the full screen.

    On the other hand, stopping flightgear in windowed mode, the next session starts fine, in windowed mode with the same previous resolution.

    So, yep, we have problems when stopping/starting flightgear in full screen :)


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