
#2598 uiuc_record.dat in FG binary install directory

waldo kitty

while rummaging about my drive, i discovered that at least one uiuc or larcsim based craft has created uiuc_record.dat in the FG binary installation directory instead of putting it in a more proper log directory like ~/.fgfs or ~/.fgfs/Export... the only thing in this file is two lines repeated endlessly... one line is simply


and the next line is empty... in my case, the file was 644k in size... this due to the fact that i only tested the uiuc and larcsim fdm craft for a few minutes each...

nothing special was done to enable or trigger this file to be created or logged to... this is apparently a default setting somewhere in at least one uiuc/larcsim craft...


  • waldo kitty

    waldo kitty - 2021-06-08

    well, that's not cool... the line posted above starts with a '#' (hash) symbol... idk why sf modified the quote like it did but there it is... so let's try it like this...

    # debug5
  • James Turner

    James Turner - 2021-06-08

    UIUC / LaRCsim are kind of un-supported, that's why we tried to disable them :) You can probably dive into the UIUC code to find out where/what creates these files and make a patch to adjust the paths to be relative to FG_HOME (or turn off writing)


    Last edit: James Turner 2021-06-08

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