
#2478 Carrier MP dialog broken


Hi there,

I was trying to set a carrier for MP, but when entering the multiplayer menu and selecting the carrier dialog, nothing happens and the console reports an error:

Nasal runtime error: No such member: carrier_dialog
1679.89 [ALRT]:nasal at /sim/bindings/menu/binding[527], line 6

Actually, it seems that it is currently impossible to set a MP carrier (at least as explained in the wiki), maybe this menu entry is obsolete?



  • eatdirt

    eatdirt - 2020-12-17

    I've been seeing tonight a MP-carrier, not set by me. But it was invisible to me, in spite of setting AI traffic on, adding the carrier in the list of scenario. So may be the menu is actually not functioning in 2020.3.4?

  • James Turner

    James Turner - 2020-12-17

    One for Richard to look at I think.

  • James Turner

    James Turner - 2020-12-17
    • assigned_to: Richard Harrison
  • eatdirt

    eatdirt - 2020-12-17

    One issue solved, I was using:


    to match a directory where I have installed some devel version of the f-14b. Of course the mp-carrier was in the .fgfs/Aircraft/org... standard directory and that was the culprit, but not only.


    Last edit: eatdirt 2021-01-10
  • eatdirt

    eatdirt - 2020-12-18

    Well, even it that works, it may need a bit of love though. I've tried vinson, works, but a lot of nasal errors pop out of the console:

    Nasal runtime error: No such member: current
       55.24 [ALRT]:nasal        at /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/lsoview.nas, line 69
       55.24 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/lsoview.nas, line 31
       55.24 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/globals.nas, line 120
       55.24 [ALRT]:nasal      Nasal runtime error: No such member: legendN
       55.24 [ALRT]:nasal        at /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/lsoview.nas, line 194
       55.24 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/lsoview.nas, line 58
       55.24 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/lsoview.nas, line 46
       55.24 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/lsoview.nas, line 34
       55.24 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/view.nas, line 324
       55.24 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/view.nas, line 287
       55.24 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/globals.nas, line 120
       56.31 [INFO]:nasal      Model load Nimitz /ai/models/carrier
       56.95 [ALRT]:nasal      Nasal runtime error: No such member: dialog
       56.95 [ALRT]:nasal        at /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/lsoview.nas, line 40
       56.95 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/view.nas, line 318
       56.95 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/view.nas, line 287
       56.95 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/globals.nas, line 120
       57.39 [ALRT]:nasal      Nasal runtime error: No such member: dialog
       57.39 [ALRT]:nasal        at /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/lsoview.nas, line 40
  • eatdirt

    eatdirt - 2021-01-10

    Ok, I've been playing mp-carrier tens of times now with 2020.3.5. That's randomly working and most of the times, it is unusable.

    The main issue is that the carrier model is not appearing on the pilot session. The mp-carrier is visible (as the little blue plane), so network seems to work. But the model visible remains the one of the AI, not the one of the MP, it is usually located nearby. When it works, I can see the AI model disappearing and replacing the little blue plane, and when this happens, the MP-Dialog indeed shows the carrier to be present.

    Sometimes, I can make the MP carrier model appearing on the pilot session by forcing multiple times the reload of the AI-traffic, of the carrier (ticking/ unticking the relevant boxes), AND, I have to fly a few times very close to the location of the MP-carrier.

    What I don't understand is why there is no other bug reports about this. I cannot believe it is only a local problem. May be other users confuse the AI model and the MP-model? Especially if you just start a session, they're located on top on each other...


  • Megaf

    Megaf - 2021-01-12

    Was the MP carrier named Nimitz+Number, sch as Nimitz2?

  • Julian Smith

    Julian Smith - 2021-01-12

    The latest fgaddon master branch's Aircraft/MPCarrier has some improvements to multiplayer carrier behaviour, please see:

    Would be good to know whether this improves things.

    It's only been tested with Flightgear "next" branch, on which the new behaviour is enabled by default, with the multiplayer dialogue having a checkbox to enable/disable.

    Hope that helps,

    • Jules
  • eatdirt

    eatdirt - 2021-06-21

    Hi guys,

    I am editing this bug with some more tests and feedback done on the mailing list.

    On 2020.3.9, in spite of a lot of Nasal crashes in the console, the crucial point to make the AI carrier fusing with the MP is to have AI/MP LOD details set to "High". Without it, it just fails 99% of the time I've tried. With it, it works all the times I've tested so far.


  • Richard Harrison

    I've just pushed some fixes to FGData that should make the carrier appear regardless of LOD.

    I'm working on making all of the carriers available as MPCarriers;

    @cgdae This seems to work well with the auto select logic.

  • eatdirt

    eatdirt - 2022-06-24

    Hi there,
    I have been off from carrier landing since a while. But I went watching top gun 2 at the cinema, then I could not resist to do some carrier landings again :)

    All that to say that I gave a try on 2020.4.0 to set an MP-carrier, in vain. The infamous blue plane is there, but the model never gets loaded. I've tried all combination of the new options in the menu (latch, automatically enable AI etc...), toyed the LOD, tried High definition only, no joy :)
    The MP session runs fine, I do see the plane of my other session on the radar, just no model loading. The Vinson AI model is a few miles a way and never get merged to the MP's one.

    Maybe 2020.4.0 introduced some regressions?

    I do see some errors

     26.75 [INFO]:nasal      LOAD Vinson /ai/models/carrier[2]
       26.77 [INFO]:nasal      No METAR available, aborting...
       26.84 [INFO]:nasal      LOAD CG-57/ai/models/escort
       44.05 [INFO]:nasal      Cannot stat file: :
     at /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/io.nas, line 4
       44.05 [INFO]:nasal        called from: /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/io.nas, line 116
       44.05 [INFO]:nasal        called from: /sim/bindings/menu/binding[327], line 116
       44.05 [ALRT]:nasal      Nasal runtime error: No such member: carrier_dialog
       44.05 [ALRT]:nasal        at /sim/bindings/menu/binding[327], line 6

    others on LOD

    682.96 [ALRT]:terrain    Unexpected property in listener /sim[0]/rendering[0]/static-lod[0]/detailed[0]
      682.96 [ALRT]:terrain    Unexpected property in listener /sim[0]/rendering[0]/static-lod[0]/rough-delta[0]
      682.96 [ALRT]:terrain    Unexpected property in listener /sim[0]/rendering[0]/static-lod[0]/bare-delta[0]

    and a bunch of AI traffic errors (not related I suspect)

    AI error: Aircraft without traffic record is signing off from Reno Tahoe Intl-Startup at /home/eatdirt/perso/flightgear/BUILD/flightgear-2020.4.0/src/ATC/ATCController.cxx:376



    Last edit: eatdirt 2022-06-24
  • Julian Smith

    Julian Smith - 2022-06-25

    I think i used MP carriers a couple of months ago and it all worked fine with a build from next .

    Could the errors in the log about not finding .nas files, indicate that your fgdata is not from the next branch?

    Also, is your fgaddon folder also from the next branch (or maybe svn's equivalent, istrunk)? - this has quite a lot of the code that supports MP carriers, so needs to match the fgfs executable.

    - Jules

  • eatdirt

    eatdirt - 2022-06-25

    Damned... Copy paste of the old command line, you certainly right, I was calling the old carrier MP from my local folder... What a fool...

    fgfs --fg-aircraft=/home/chris/.Aircraft:/home/chris/.fgfs/Aircraft/org.flightgear.fgaddon.stable_2020/Aircraft --ai-scenario=vinson_demo --aircraft=vinson --callsign=SEADIRT --multiplay=in,30,,5010 --multiplay=out,30,,5000

    Tonight, I am redoing a full range of tests with proper arguments!


    Last edit: eatdirt 2022-06-25
  • eatdirt

    eatdirt - 2022-06-25

    All right, woo! That works quite fine actually!! Well done!
    I've noticed only minor things, happy to help fixing if I can:
    - the MP radar display is no really clickable anymore, to set course recovery for instance. Still doable from the AI menu though.
    - Something weird, my radar (on board F-14b) was still showing Vinson at 1.9 nm away, always. I mean, I tried to see what was there, but that virtual Vinson was moving with me, ahead of me.
    - A slightly less minor issue, I did not manage to get the TACAN working at all (old version with the infamous blue bird, the TACAN was ok).

    • Richard Harrison

      Something weird, my radar (on board F-14b) was still showing Vinson at 1.9 nm away,

      Check the console log on the F-14 for Nasal errors. It sounds like the radar stopped running.

      F-14 develop has a new radar. This will be released soon. You might want to try using this.

  • Julian Smith

    Julian Smith - 2022-06-26

    When you say the radar shows Vinson 1.9nm away, that suggests that the AI and MP carriers are not "latched" (AI carrier's velocity is periodically changed to make it approximately coincide with the MP carrier), which would be a significant problem. Note that latching seems to go wrong if one pauses flightgear or replays then resumes.

    BTW what do you mean by MP radar display?

    The TACAN property values seemed to be set correctly for me with MP carriers a while ago, so i'm not sure what's going on here.

    - Jules

  • eatdirt

    eatdirt - 2022-06-27

    Note that latching seems to go wrong if one pauses flightgear or replays then resumes.

    All right , I did no have the "always latch" option activated, but, you're right, I did a resume after a replay (trigger the replay by accident). I also did a resume of a session in which I crashed in the water by just repositioning the aircraft onto the carrier

    It happens that I've found the logs of that session, and that is indeed nasty:

    1389.31 [INFO]:nasal      Initializing F-14 Systems
     1389.69 [INFO]:nasal      Initializing F-14B weapons system
     1389.69 [INFO]:nasal      Setting replay medium res to 50hz
     1389.69 [INFO]:nasal      Starting with gear down as repos_gear_down set to 1
     1389.69 [INFO]:nasal      --> Set parking brake as below 50 ft
     1389.69 [INFO]:nasal      Special init for Carrier cat launch
     1389.69 [INFO]:nasal      Found our carrier 37.85523693994468 -123.5957539962663
     1389.69 [INFO]:nasal      Carrier deck from node 65
     1389.69 [INFO]:nasal      Carrier deck now: 65
     1389.69 [INFO]:nasal      Adjusting launch position by -4.5 meters
     1389.69 [INFO]:nasal      Moving the aircraft into the launch position properly... for Vinson alt 65 lat 37.85493676879857 lon -123.5965350154959
     1389.69 [ALRT]:nasal      Nasal runtime error: add_failure_mode: failure mode already exists: /instrumentation/radar
     1389.69 [ALRT]:nasal        at /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/FailureMgr/private.nas, line 130
     1389.69 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/FailureMgr/public.nas, line 78
     1389.69 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /home/chris/.Aircraft/f-14b/Nasal/instruments.nas, line 863
     1389.69 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/globals.nas, line 137
     1389.69 [ALRT]:flight     Failed to save initial FDM property state
     1392.24 [INFO]:nasal      Aircraft hit Ocean.
     1395.27 [INFO]:nasal      Aircraft hit Ocean.
     1395.43 [INFO]:nasal      20:55:57 Nav 2 Glideslope condition 0%
     1395.43 [INFO]:nasal      20:55:57 Slip/Skid Ball condition 0%
     1395.63 [INFO]:nasal      20:55:57 Main wings condition 0%
     1398.38 [INFO]:nasal      Aircraft hit Ocean.
     1436.48 [INFO]:nasal      carrier_dialog.create(): auto-selecting type=Vinson
     1436.48 [INFO]:nasal      Callsign update
     1436.48 [INFO]:nasal      Manager.start(): me.carrier_name=Vinson me.rplayer.getPath()=/ai/models/multiplayer
     1436.48 [INFO]:nasal      carrier_dialog.create(): auto-selecting type=Vinson
     1436.48 [INFO]:nasal      Callsign update

    Then there is a long list of repeating messages:

    1436.48 [INFO]:nasal      Manager.start(): me.carrier_name=Vinson me.rplayer.getPath()=/ai/models/multiplayer
     1436.48 [INFO]:nasal      carrier_dialog.create(): auto-selecting type=Vinson
     1436.48 [INFO]:nasal      Callsign update

    they do end with some overflow it seems:

    1436.52 [INFO]:nasal      Manager.start(): me.carrier_name=Vinson me.rplayer.getPath()=/ai/models/multiplayer
     1436.52 [ALRT]:nasal      Nasal runtime error: call stack overflow
     1436.52 [ALRT]:nasal        at /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/props.nas, line 290
     1436.52 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/props.nas, line 14
     1436.52 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/props.nas, line 48
     1436.52 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/props.nas, line 50
     1436.52 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /usr/share/games/flightgear/Nasal/props.nas, line 50
     1436.52 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/MPCarriers.nas, line 550
     1436.52 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/MPCarriers.nas, line 606
     1436.52 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/MPCarriers.nas, line 634
     1436.52 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/MPCarriers.nas, line 566
     1436.53 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/MPCarriers.nas, line 606
     1436.53 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/MPCarriers.nas, line 634
     1436.53 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/MPCarriers.nas, line 566
     1436.53 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/MPCarriers.nas, line 606

    and ends by

    1436.53 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /home/chris/.Aircraft/MPCarrier/Systems/MPCarriers.nas, line 598
     1436.53 [ALRT]:nasal        called from: /sim/bindings/menu/binding[454], line 6
     1444.57 [ALRT]:ai         latching _callsign=SEADIRT to mp /ai/models/carrier[2]
     1481.95 [INFO]:nasal      initialising the mp lag system
     1623.90 [INFO]:nasal      20:59:45 Nav 2 Glideslope condition 100%
     1623.90 [INFO]:nasal      20:59:45 Slip/Skid Ball condition 100%
     1623.90 [INFO]:nasal      20:59:45 Main wings condition 100%

    Then I started flying again, the MP-carrier was there. For the radar display, I meant on board the F-14b, activating radar and picking up targets. In the logs, this appears like this (check out TGT Vinson 1.69nm, always at the same distance independently of my position). Note that this is after all the above errors:

    2088.75 [INFO]:nasal      Catapult launch
     2141.25 [INFO]:nasal      Sel next target: dist=2.831145077229219
     2141.26 [INFO]:nasal      TGT::  1.69 ( 2.83) : Vinson
     2141.26 [INFO]:nasal      TGT::  2.83 ( 2.83) : SEADIRT
     2141.26 [INFO]:nasal      Skipping active target SEADIRT
     2141.26 [INFO]:nasal      TGT:: 12.10 ( 2.83) : Cruise-1
     2141.26 [INFO]:nasal      Located next Cruise-112.10118213337486
     2141.26 [INFO]:nasal      nxt: Cruise-1 12.1
     2146.09 [INFO]:nasal      Sel next target: dist=12.10118213337486
     2146.09 [INFO]:nasal      TGT::  1.69 (12.10) : Vinson
     2146.09 [INFO]:nasal      TGT::  2.70 (12.10) : SEADIRT
     2146.09 [INFO]:nasal      TGT:: 12.10 (12.10) : Cruise-1
      2386.26 [INFO]:nasal      Sel next target: dist=12.44694959263054
     2386.26 [INFO]:nasal      TGT::  1.69 (12.45) : Vinson
     2386.26 [INFO]:nasal      TGT::  7.06 (12.45) : Cruise-1
     2386.26 [INFO]:nasal      TGT:: 12.45 (12.45) : SEADIRT
     2386.26 [INFO]:nasal      Skipping active target SEADIRT
     2386.26 [INFO]:nasal      TGT:: 37.21 (12.45) : BR012
     2386.26 [INFO]:nasal      TGT:: 38.99 (12.45) : KE024
     2386.26 [INFO]:nasal      TGT:: 39.40 (12.45) : Cathay_879
     2386.26 [INFO]:nasal      TGT:: 48.42 (12.45) : Cathay_882

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