



flickrit was written to upload images to in varis ways.
Primarily when you have hundreds of images to upload at once.

For Example: My personal method after returning from a photo shoot
* Copy all the photos into a directory

  • Change (script included) the names of all the filenames, from IMG_XXX to XXX
    $ change "IMG_" ""

  • Append (script included) photo shoot common descriptions to all photos
    $ append " - California 2018 landscape"

  • Using an image viewer to review images, add any additional descriptors to the filename
    from: 001 - California 2018 landscape.jpg
    to: 001 - California 2018 landscape waterfall swim model.jpg

  • flickrit -d

In the end, the image with the filename:
001 - California 2018 landscape mountains waterfall swim model.jpg
is uploaded to flickr with the following attached tags:
001 California 2018 landscape mountains waterfall swim model


  1. Make sure that flickr_upload is properly installed and test

  2. Place flickrit in your shell execution: $PATH

  3. Modify varialble FUPLOAD to point to the flickr_upload perl script


flickrit uploads the filename in its original form. All words in the filename
are converted to "tags". Meta-charaters and the file extension are stripped out
when the tags are created.

Syntax: flickrit [OPTION] "DIRECTORY|FILE" "TAG1 TAG2 ..."

-b Process a batch file listing image files to upload
-d Process all image files in the current directory
-f Upload a single image file
-r Recursively process all image files in current and sub-directories

If prompted for "Tags", enter additional tags, or leave blank.


Processing a batch file - Create a file with a list of images:
$ cd /images/travel
$ find Ireland > /tmp/ireland.txt
Ireland/0101 - Dublin Guinnes tour beer selfie Steve.jpg
Ireland/0220 - Dublin Nandos Restaurant chicken awesome.jpg

$ flickr -b /tmp/ireland.txt

Note: Since the directory is included in each name, it will also be added as a tag.

Process files in the current directory
$ flickrit -d

Upload a single file.
$ flickrit -f "0220 - Dublin Nandos Restaurant chicken awesome.jpg"

Recursively process all image files in current and sub-directories
$ flickrit -r

Sample: This collect collect images from all sub-directories under Ireland
(Belfast, Dublin, Galway, Kilarney, etc...)
$ cd /images/travel/Ireland
$ flickrit -r
Tags: Ireland

Note: Since the sub-directory will be included in the name it will also
be added as a tag. So tags will have: Ireland Befast [and filename]