
Flatworm 1.0 Released! Flat Files For Java

After a spate of procrastination, I've gotten Flatworm 1.0 out the door. This release, which is based on code that's been running on a production site for half a year, should be stable enough for anyone to use.

Flatworm allows Java developers to import fixed length flat file data to Java beans without having to code. Simply by creating an XML description of the file format, Flatworm will automatically suck up the data and populate your own beans with the data, converting the data as required.

Flatworm works on files with multiple-line or single-line records, and can also handle files with more than one kind of record, choosing the appropriate format for each record based on line length or key field values.

Flatworm can also extract more than one bean of different classes, or more than one bean of the same class, from a single record.

Detailed documentation is available at:

Posted by James Turner 2004-06-16

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