
The Flatworm Java Flat File Framework / News: Recent posts

Flatworm 1.2 Release - Now Writes Files

Flatworm is a Java framework to read and write POJOs from and to flat format files (both delimited and fixed length.) It can handle files with multiple formats, automatically detecting the format of each line based on key values.

The 1.2 release (thanks to major contributions by new team member Andreas Thiel) adds output capabilities to Flatworm, as well as numerous code cleanups. Flatworm is now fully bidirectional, able to both read and write files using the same XML description file.... read more

Posted by James Turner 2007-08-01

Major code check-in

I just did a major check-in of code from James Lawrence over at Southwest Airlines (I'm a frequent SWA flyer, so nice to know they're supporting OSS development.) I haven't had time to look it over in detail yet, and it'll need doc and unit tests before I can release it as 1.1, but I wanted to at least get it in the source tree. Here's James' notes on his additions...

What I have done.. (at least made a feeble attempt at)... read more

Posted by James Turner 2005-09-21

Flatworm 1.0 Released! Flat Files For Java

After a spate of procrastination, I've gotten Flatworm 1.0 out the door. This release, which is based on code that's been running on a production site for half a year, should be stable enough for anyone to use.

Flatworm allows Java developers to import fixed length flat file data to Java beans without having to code. Simply by creating an XML description of the file format, Flatworm will automatically suck up the data and populate your own beans with the data, converting the data as required.... read more

Posted by James Turner 2004-06-16