
FlatPress / News: Recent posts

0.612 RC1 out!

The "Merry Xmas" release

Many enhancements, see changelog.
PS: our project has been advertised on ossblog

cool :)

merry xmas

Posted by NoWhereMan 2006-12-24

Ta-dah! First release!

Really this is not the first, if you're reading the blog; I update constantly with news about the project, btw this is the first official release on the sf's servers!


Posted by NoWhereMan 2006-11-01

Development is going on hard!

Actually I'm the only working on the core, so it's been hard... well, we've got another dev release, it's huge in changes and quite good, I must say.

Let us know!


Posted by NoWhereMan 2006-08-29

FlatPress 060416 pre-alpha OUT!

First pre-alpha OUT!
all infos here:

Posted by NoWhereMan 2006-04-18

Home Page Up and Running
Still some problems due to a catastrophic crash on my pc :(


Posted by NoWhereMan 2006-01-19

We're on board!

Here we are.

First post here, but last of a long series. It's been a long five months since we began with our silliness, but now we're on board, and we shall finish what we started.

If you're here eager to download, I'm so afraid, but Flatpress is still in such an heavy development stage, that we still really can't release it to the public (and call it a release ;) ).

Please, stand by. Come back here soon! I promise bells, whistles and FIREWORKS :)... read more

Posted by NoWhereMan 2006-01-13