
Henry Groover

Why another slide maker?

This project was created to provide a feature-rich GUI-based application which will run on Mac OSX, Linux and Windows to create slideshows with images, html text (including hyperlinks), and audio with some basic control features. This allows advanced desktop users to create slideshow presentations to be built as Flash movies (swf).

The original purpose for this project was to create academic presentations which can be embedded in Moodle, but it can be used whenever there is a need to crank out slideshows which for some reason must be viewable on the web.

The program uses Actionscript template code (for use with Mtasc and Swfmill) which it combines with user-provided media to produce a Flash project which is ready to compile with Mtasc and Swfmill.

This is similar to what Adobe Captivate does, but with a less ambitious featureset.

Expected availability of beta version: September 2011.