
SRS document

  • Fotios Mentis

    Fotios Mentis - 2010-08-23

    I would like to participate in this project by composing the SRS document that fully describes the requirements of the current software.

    With regards,
    Mentis Fotis

  • Pconfig

    Pconfig - 2010-10-15

    Hey Fotis

    Sorry for the late reply but I didn't realize you posted this on the forum. I tried to mail you back earlier but that didn't work out. Kept getting replies that the emailadress didn't exist.

    Could you explain what exactly an SRS document is?

    Thanks for your interest!

    Thomas Richard

  • Fotios Mentis

    Fotios Mentis - 2010-10-16

    Hello there again,

    Well an SRS document is something like a manual to the program that is developed that describes both it's use, as well as the requirements of it.

    For further ifno you may also read this

    With regards
    Mentis Fotis


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