
#9 'skip' issues

Yair K.

Well, there are several issues with 'skip':

A) It asks about the 'defence through faith' blessing _after_ the battle is concluded. Also, if a player decides not to use it, it will ask constantly.
B) When there's a per round check (e.g. sec. 689, sec. 109 in book5) 'skip' will skip it.
C) You can fight out of order. I don't recall a fight where it matters though..

I find 'A' to be the most annoying, as the rest I can ignore if I wish while in that case it asks for the blessing every time. I think A) could be fixed by not asking about the blessing when skipping (well, the player can always 'use' it), or at least asking it before the battle.


  • Yair K.

    Yair K. - 2011-03-27

    If you do intend to deal with the per-round checks issue, it would probably be easiest to just disable 'skip' in these sections. This would arguably also be more correct, as players may not know what killed them if 'skip' tried to roll these and failed.

  • Jonathan Mann

    Jonathan Mann - 2011-03-27

    Related to A, I don't particularly like the way the reminder dialog pops up for every fight. Think I've finally worked out a compromise solution: only pop it up for the first fight after obtaining a blessing, and mention in the dialog that it can be activated with a double-click.

    C: do you mean when there's multiple opponents in a section?

    I'll have a look at the other bugs. For B, it was definitely the intention to disable skip if the fight was unusual in any way.

  • Yair K.

    Yair K. - 2011-03-28

    A) Sounds like a nice compromise. IIRC, also the divine wrath blessing is asked every time (but unlike the defence blessing, it's asked every time there's a combat, even without trying 'skip').
    C) I actually just found out it's exploitable. e.g. sect. 770 in book2. Fight off the last bandit using 'skip' and it lets you just win the fight without fighting the others.
    B) Yeah. Btw, I actually meant sect. 203 not 109 in book5.

  • Yair K.

    Yair K. - 2011-03-28

    Example of bug with skipping multiple opponents

  • Yair K.

    Yair K. - 2011-03-28

    And yeah, I was referring to the case where there are multiple opponents. I have attached an example save.


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