
FJ Related Component 2011 Blog Options

Mark Dexter

FJ Related Component 2011 Blog Options

Required Options

Required Options

Intro Article: Select an optional article to serve as the Intro Article for this layout. Press Select to open the selection window. Press Reset to clear your selection. If you choose to use an Intro Article, this article will supply the list of keywords and the author information that will be used to select the other articles for the layout. You may also print the title and contents of the Intro Article at the top of the page. The Intro Article is a normal Joomla! article, and is searchable and linkable. When an Intro Article appears on a Related Articles Blog or List Menu Item, you can optionally have the link to that article link to the blog or list instead of to the article itself. See the parameter called "Linke to FJ Related" under Blog Layout Advanced Parameters -- Part 1 below. As of version 1.0.7, the Intro Article is optional.

Keywords: If you choose not to use an Intro Article, enter in the list of keywords here. Each keyword phrase should be separated by a comma. Note that keyword phrases can not contain commas, carriage returns or linefeeds. If an Intro Article is selected above, this parameter is ignored.

Selection Options

Selection Options

Match Any or All Keywords: "Any" means that all articles with any keywords that match any of the Intro Article's keywords will show in the layout. "All" means that only articles that match all of the keywords of the Intro Article will show. "Exact" means that only articles with exactly the same keywords in exactly the same order will match.

Match on Author: If "Yes", the author ID from the Intro Article is included in the match. If matching on "any" keywords, then all articles by this same author will be included in the list, even if no keywords are matched. If matching on "all" or "exact" keywords, only articles that match all keywords and that are by this author will be included in the match.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If no Intro Article is selected, the currently logged in user is used as the author. If this parameter is set to "Yes" and no Intro Article is selected, all articles by the current user will show (in addition to articles with matching keywords). If the Keywords parameter is blank, only articles by the current user will show.

Match on Author Alias: If "Yes", the author alias is included in the match. If matching on "any" keywords, then all articles with this same author alias will be included in the list, even if no keywords match. If matching on "all" or "exact" keywords, only articles that match the keywords and with this author alias will be included in the match. Note that, if you match on both Author and Author Alias, the Author Alias will be checked first and then the Author ID. This parameter is not used if no Intro Article is selected.

Published State: Select Published, Archived, or both. The default is Published. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than one state.

Select Categories: Click on one or more Category names to limit the articles on the layout to these Categories. Use Ctrl+Click to select more than one Category. Click "-Intro Article Category-" to select the Category of the Intro Article. Click "-Uncategorised-" to include Uncategorised articles.

Show Unauthorised Links: If "No", only articles that the user is authorised to see will show on the layout. If "Yes", the article's intro text (the text before the "Read More..." break) will show. If there is a Read More... break in the article, this will show as "Register to read more...". If selected, the user will go to the login screen. If they login successfully, they will then go to the full text of the article.

Layout Options

Layout Options


Intro Article Title: Hide or show the title of the Intro Article. Set this to Hide if no Intro Article is selected.

Intro Article Text: Hide or show the text of the Intro Article. Set this to Hide if no Intro Article is selected.

# Leading, # Intro, Columns, # Links:  These parameters have exactly the same meaning as in the standard Joomla! Category Blog layout. The # Leading is the number of articles that span all columns. The # Intro is the number of articles that fit into the columns. Columns is the number of columns (normaly 1, 2, or sometimes 3). # Links is the number of article links to show below the articles in the blog.

Ordering: The sort order for the blog. Options are Title Alphabetical, Recently Added First, Oldest First, Most Matches First, and Article Manager Order.

Multi-Column Order: Down means order the articles down the columns first and then across. Across means order the articles across the columns first and then down.

Text If No Related: Optional text to display if there are no articles that match the selected article's keywords.

Pagination: Show or hide the pagination links at the bottom of the blog layout.

Pagination Results: Show or hide the pagination results (page numbers, such as "1 of 2").

Page Subheading: Optional text to show as a subheading.

Article Display Options

Article Display Options

Link to FJ Related: If "Yes", and if the article is an Intro Article to another FJ Related Blog or List, then this link will link to the FJ Related menu item instead of the article. If "No", then the link will always link to the article layout for this article. If this article is an Intro Article for both an FJ Related Blog and List menu item, then it will link to the blog layout.

Keyword Match Count: Hide or Show the number of keyword matches for the article. This displays below the article's title.

Keyword Match List: Hide or Show the list of matching keywords. This displays below the article's title.

Show Article Title: Whether or not to show the title of the articles in the blog layout.

Titles as Links: If "Yes", the titles will link to the articles.

Show Icons: If "Show", icons will show for print and email.

Print Icon: If "Show", a print icon will show.

Email Icon: If "Show", an emai icon will show.

Article Rating/Voting: If "Show", a rating icon will show.

Category Name: If "Show", the category title will show.

Category Name Linkable: If "Yes", the category titles will link to the category list or blog layout.

Show Create Date: If "Show", the date created will show.

Show Modify Date: If "Show", the most recent date the article was modified will show.

Show Publish Date: If "Show", the publish date will show.

Author Name: If "Show", the author's name will show. If there is an author alias, this will be used. Otherwise, the user name for the author will show.

Hits: If "Show", the number of hits (times the article has been viewed) will show.

Read more ... link: If "Show", and if the article contains a "read more" break, a read more link will show that will link to the entire article.

Newsfeed Options 

Newsfeed Options

Show Feed Link: If "Show", an RSS feed link will be available. It shows as a feed icon in the address bar of most modern browsers.

For each feed item show: Show either just the intro text (before the read more break) or the full text of each article in the newsfeed.

Link Type Options

Link Type Options

Link Title Attribute: Optional custom description for the title attribute of the menu item link.

Link CSS Style: Optional custom CSS style for the menu item link.

Link Image: Optional image to be used with the menu item link.

Add Menu Title: If "Yes", and if there is a link image, the menu item title will show next to the image.

Page Display Options

Page Display Options

Browser Page Title: Optional text for the Browser Page Title.

Show Page Heading: Show or hide the Browser Page Title in the heading of the page. If no optional text is entered, the page heading will default to the menu item title. The page heading is usually shown inside the H1 tag.

Page Heading: Optional alternative text for the page heading.

Page Class: Optional CSS class to add to elements in this page. This allows CSS styling specific to this page.

Metadata Options

Metadata Options

Meta Description: Optional paragraph to be used as the description of this page in the HTML output. This will generally display in the results of search engines.

Meta Keywords: An optional comma-separated list of keyword phrases to be used in the HTML output. Note that these are not used in the selection of articles for the page.

Robots: Robot instructions.

Secure: Whether or not this link should use SSL and the secure site URL. 

Module Assignments

Module Assigments

Here you can select modules to show on this page.

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