
FJ Related Articles Plus Home Page

Mark Dexter

FJ Related Articles Plus Home

Welcome to the FJ Related Articles Plus home page. This contains links to the download and documentation for the module extension FJ Related Articles Plus.

Two different versions of FJ Related Plus are available, 2011 and 2008. FJ Related Articles Plus 2011 is for Joomla versions 1.6 and higher. FJ Related Plus 2008 is for Joomla version 1.5. The links for each are shown below.

FJ Related Articles Plus 4x (for Joomla version 3.2 and higher)

FJ Related Articles Plus 3x (for Joomla version 3.2 and higher)

FJ Related Articles Plus 2011 (for Joomla version 2.5 and higher)


Both versions of this extension do everything the core Related Articles module does and adds a number of handy features, including:

  • New for 3x! Add list of keywords to always include in search.
  • Sort articles in random order.
  • Show module on any page of any Menu Item Type (not just Article layouts).
  • Include articles based on Section, Category, Author, or Author Alias, unrelated to the current article in view.
  • Only show articles that have a minimum number of matching keywords.
  • Pick Sections, Categories, Authors, and Author Alias values from a list instead of entering ID numbers.
  • Show article preview in a tooltip.
  • Option to show date created or date last modified.
  • Limit the list of related articles by count
  • Limit the list to selected Sections or Categories (including the current article's Section or Category)
  • Sort the list by number of matching keywords
  • Sort the list by keyword
  • Display the matching keywords
  • Match on author id or author alias
  • Numerous other options



Wiki: FJ Related Articles Plus 2011
Wiki: FJ Related Articles Plus3x
Wiki: FJ Related Articles Plus4x
Wiki: Home